RULES & Awards

Quilt entry is now closed for the 2025 show.

Thank you for your interest in entering your quilt. This is a non-juried show. Our prizes and awards, categories and entry rules are below. Cash awards total $10,000. The entry fee is $20.
Shipped quilts must arrive at the Monroe Convention Center Feb. 24-28 or hand-delivered by Mar. 1. See Critical Dates.


$2,000 – Best of Show
$1,000 – Exemplary Hand Quilting
$1,000 – Exemplary Machine Quilting
$500 – 1st Place in Each Category
$200 – 2nd Place in Each Category
$100 – 3rd Place in Each Category
Special Awards:
$100 – Viewer’s Choice
$100 – Mayor’s Choice
$100 – Commissioner’s Choice
$100 – Hoosier Award

Exemplary Edge Finish
Exemplary Use of Color
Exemplary Use of Handwork
Found & Finished Quilts
Young Quiltmaker
Honorable Mention
Judge Recognition
Instructor Recognition


800 YOUNG QUILTMAKER (no award monies)

Scroll down to see Category definitions.

ENTRY RULES for 2025 show

All persons involved in making the quilt must be listed on the entry form. If the design is not the entrant’s original design, credit must be given to the source.
See Critical Dates for the timeline.

  1. Quilts entered in the Young Quiltmaker category must be made only by the young quilter unless the quilter is 12 and younger. Whatever the adult helper contributes to the quilt should be documented on the entry form. There is no entry fee for this category, and no prize monies are awarded (high school age or younger).

  2. Quilt must have been completed after January 1, 2020.

  3. Entrants must determine the category in which the quilt will be entered. Please read each category description carefully to determine where best to enter your quilt.

    Category Limit: Please note that entrants are limited to two entries per category.

    Entries must be submitted online by February 10, 2025.
    (Entry will be cut off at 8pm EST. There are no paper entries.) Entries are accepted in the order that they are received. IHQS is not a juried show, but we reserve the right to limit entries based on space constraints.

  4. All quilts must be clean, free of smoke, pet hair or odor. Quilts must have three layers which includes a top, a batting and a back. The top may be pieced or whole and made from fabric. Quilting must show on the back. Quilts must have a finished edge that encloses the batting (such as binding, facing, knife edge, etc.). No garment entries will be accepted. No tied quilts will be displayed or judged. Incomplete, damaged, or soiled quilts may not qualify for display or judging. Quilts with false backs are not eligible for prizes unless there is some quilting showing on the back of the quilt. There is no refund of entry fee if a quilt must be returned.

  5. Quilts previously displayed in an Indiana Heritage Quilt Show are not eligible for entry.

  6. All quilts must have a 4-inch opening on the hanging sleeve attached to the top of the quilt, and the top and bottom edges of the sleeve must be secured to the quilt back. If the quilt has no hanging sleeve, it will not be displayed and will be returned to the entrant.

  7. Each quilt must be permanently identified with a label on the back. Please cover this label with fabric attached either by basting stitch or quilters safety pins.

  8. Quilt must be a single unit, without frame of wood, metal, etc. IHQS reserves the right to refuse, and assumes no liability, for quilts that require special handling. All quilts will be folded during handling, no exceptions. Please avoid fragile embellishments.

  9. Quilts should not measure more than 108 inches on the hanging side. Please see category descriptions for specific measurement restrictions in some categories.

  10. The cost per quilt to enter is $20. We recommend that you provide a pre-paid FedEx shipping label for each quilt entry. If you choose to have us provide the shipping label, the cost will be $45.00 per quilt. See IHQS Shipping and Insurance for details.

  11. Quilt SHIPPING AND DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS will be sent via email in February. Please do not send your quilt until you have received this email. If you have not received your instructions by February 14, 2025, please email

  12. Each quilt entry, shipped or walk-in, must be delivered in a separate box with proper labeling for the safe return of your quilt. (Please check emailed SHIPPING AND DELIVERY INSTRUCTIONS.)

  13. Each quilt entry must have a photo of the quilt securely taped to the bottom of the inside of the box. This photo is used for identification purposes. It may be a photocopy.

  14. IHQS reserves the right to combine or subdivide categories based on the number of entries.

  15. Quilts that do not meet these rules will not be judged or exhibited. Entrants will be notified of disqualification as soon as possible. The Indiana Heritage Quilt Show reserves the right to reject any unqualified or misrepresented entry. All decisions of the IHQS board of directors and IHQS judges are final.

  16. Refunds: There are no refunds on quilt entries.

  17. Shipped quilts must arrive at the Monroe Convention Center between February 24 and February 28, 2025.

    See our Quilt Shipping instructions. Walk-in quilts can be hand delivered to the Monroe Convention Center on March 1, 2025 between 10am and 12pm (noon).


APPLIQUÉD QUILT: Appliqué predominates over other techniques in amount or effect covering approximately 75% of the quilt.

PIECED QUILT - SMALL: Piecing predominates over other techniques in amount or effect. Total measurement in inches of all the outside edges (perimeter) should measure less than 260 inches.

PIECED QUILT - LARGE: Piecing predominates over other techniques in amount or effect. Total measurement in inches of all the outside edges (perimeter) should measure 260 inches or more with no more than 108 inches on the hanging side.

MIXED TECHNIQUES/TRADITIONAL: Entries with two or more traditional techniques/styles are combined and where any technique comprises 25% or more of the quilt. Examples would include: Whole cloth quilts; pieced/appliqué; appliqué/reverse appliqué; and embroidery/piecing.

MODERN QUILT: Quilts must have high contrasting colors, minimalism, improvisational piecing, expansive negative space, simple shapes, and/or non-traditional layouts.

ART / INNOVATION QUILT: Quilts must be an original design no commercial patterns or copies of previous works or adaptations of someone else’s design. The quilt design should reflect innovative construction, design techniques, theme, subject matter and/or materials.

YOUNG QUILTMAKER: Entrants must be high school age or younger and have made the quilt themselves. Adults may assist with entrants 12 and younger with documentation on the entry form. Entry is FREE. See additional details.

CHALLENGE QUILT: Birthstone, 30” x 30”. See additional details.


VIEWER’S CHOICE: Viewer’s Choice is determined by the show’s attendees’ votes.

MAYOR’S CHOICE: The Mayor of Bloomington, Indiana determines the winner of this award.

COMMISSIONER’S CHOICE:  The Commissioner of Monroe County, Indiana determines the winner of this award.

HOOSIER AWARD: The Hoosier Award will be awarded  to a quilt made and entered  by a resident of Indiana.


EXEMPLARY EDGE FINISH: Includes flawless binding technique, interesting and/or unique edge finish.

EXEMPLARY USE OF COLOR: Includes unusual, intriguing, exciting, unique and/or eye-catching use of color in the body of the quilt.

EXEMPLARY HANDWORK: Includes any handwork on the quilt such as hand piecing, hand quilting, appliqué work, and surface design.

FOUND & FINISHED: Quilts/quilt blocks or scattered pieces found in auctions, antique shops, trunks, attics, etc. that were started by someone other than the entrant. The entrant takes this “find” and finishes these parts into a quilt. It must have been finished it in the last five years. While filling out the Entry Form, you will be asked if your quilt should be considered for this ribbon. In the description area, tell us which parts were found and what you did to finish it.

YOUNG QUILTMAKER: Each entrant will receive a participation ribbon.

HONORABLE MENTION: A ribbon is given for each category.

JUDGE RECOGNITION: Each judge selects one quilt for recognition.

INSTRUCTOR RECOGNITION: Each instructor selects one quilt for recognition.